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Source code of BYTubeD
(from GitHub)

BYTubeD - Bulk YouTube video Downloader

Firefox extension to download YouTube videos in bulk.
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Screenshots (1.1.1, 1.1.0 & 1.0.9) Q: What's new?
A: BYTubeD disabled!
(Sep 27, 2013)

[ 1.1.1, 1.1.0 & 1.0.9    |    1.0.8 & 1.0.7    |    1.0.6    |    1.0.5 & 1.0.4    |    1.0.3 & older ]

00 Invoking

01.1 Selection Window

01.2 Selecting Videos

01.3 Selection Window

02 Description of What to do field

03 Choose Generate Links

04 On Clicking Start with Generate Links

05 Invoke DownThemAll

06 Choose Enqueue for Download

07 Enqueue for Download is not a good idea

08 Downloads window

09 Additional Features - Miscllaneous

10 Additional Features - Subtitles

11 Preferences - User Interaction

12 Preferences - Generate Links

13 Preferences - Window Management